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The Royal Crest Commemoratingthe Sixth-Cycle (72 nd) Birthday AnniversaryOf His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadejon 5 December 1999
His Majesty the King's initials the Thai letters "Phor Por Ror" placed at the centre of the crest, under the Royal Crown and above the Royal Throne of the Eight Compass Points, signify that His Majesty is the focus of the entire nation, binding the people's hearts and loyalty. The yellow colour of the letters is the colour of His Majesty's day of birth, and the blue colour of the background that of the monarchy.
The surrounding discus (Chakra) with the Thai numeral 9 means that King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the ninth monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. The crest is flanked by two seven-tiered umbrellas and topped by a nine-tiered umbrella, both types symbols of kingship.
The four point border represents the four regions of the country, in which the people live in peace and tranquility under the King's supreme protection, as expressed by the green colour, which is a symbol of peace and abundance. Each of the four points of the border has a lotus, an offering to His Majesty on the occasion of his Sixth-Cycle Birthday Anniversary.
The golden rays around the crest signify His Majesty's grace and benevolence, which pervade the Kingdom and beyond and bring pride and joy to the people in the entire land.
Beneath the crest a blue silk banner bears the inscription of the Royal Occasion of His Majesty's Sixth-Cycle Birthday on 5 December 1999.
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